Technossus at Comic-Con: A Sea of Fun-loving, Nerdy Humanity

Technossus at Comic-Con: A Sea of Fun-loving, Nerdy Humanity
Last week, members of the Technossus family made the trek to the granddaddy of popular arts conventions, San Diego Comic-Con. One of our own even helped actually put on the show, lending his technical insight to the event.
The convention is put on every year by the nonprofit San Diego Comic Convention, Inc. and is the largest convention of its type, drawing well over 150,000 attendees to the historic downtown Gaslamp district. The big draw is the numerous celebrities, cosplay, gaming, and comic-infused panels. Its sister show, Wondercon, is also a big draw around Easter.
Some of the Technossus family enjoyed spending Saturday in the main exhibit hall. CEO Ravnish Bhalla brought his son and his friend.
“I’d been thinking of going to this annual event for years and we finally got to go for the first time this year,” CEO Ravnish Bhalla said. “This wasn’t so much an event as it is an experience, and what an experience it was: an unbelievable sea of fun-loving, nerdy humanity.”
“The boys went nuts, like kids in a candy store: a candy store where there’s also an isle of video games, an isle of movies, and tons of costumed and real-world actors walking around. “The best day of my life,” said my son — and he’s 12 so he’s been around a while.
Bob Stavrou, Vice President of Business Development, was no first-timer, but rather was returning to the convention after a short break. “The last time I was at Comic-Con was in 1976, and a lot has changed. Great being there with my boys!”
Comic-Con veteran and Technossus technical lead Ian Branson once again brought his skills to bear for the show, wearing a variety of hats throughout the event. His mainstay, systems architecture and development, was his primary focus this year. Throughout his relationship with the Comic-Con organization, Ian has focused his efforts on combatting the increased levels of scalping — a major concern given the massive popularity of the event. Working in concert with the ticketing staff, Ian worked to modernize some of the legacy systems in place for combatting this abuse.
Until next year!