Category: Technology

Almost no life insurance providers today offer intuitively usable portals, which is partly due to legacy administration systems.
In 2022, we will see increased usage of AI and emerging tech. Here are some of the trends and technology driving this usage.
Here are some vital tips to take your healthcare cybersecurity to the next level.
In 2022, IT investments will continue to leverage new and existing technologies that will drive innovation and business transformation.
IT teams have the opportunity to build innovative tech tools and have a direct impact on the company’s bottom line.
Healthcare CIOs need to invest in security tools, train staff in cyber hygiene practices, and update policies and procedures for remote workers.
To cultivate a meaningful workplace culture, a vision statement should be sharp and precise.
As businesses move forward, they will be more reliant and trusting of their IT partners to strategically help them thrive and grow.
To help you determine the best AI solutions that will fit your specific business, here are some steps you can take to examine AI use cases.